I was born and raised in Nantes (West part of France). French was the only language spoken at my parents’ home. Going to school, I fell in love with languages and as a teenager, I worked hard to build my fluency in Spanish and English. Languages were a way for me to learn more about the world we live in, an open door to other cultures and other countries. I took every opportunity I could to travel and work outside of France and quickly became convinced that my future would be an international one, in every sense of the word. Today, I am tri-lingual in French, English, and Spanish, and I am passionate about foreign languages and cultural differences.
Part of my studies, I worked for the International Department of a Spanish company near Bilbao. I also had the opportunity to study at a Chinese university, near Shanghai, to learn more about the culture and the language. Then, I did a service trip to Santiago, Dominican Republic, and taught English to elementary students and helped them build a new playground. In 2008, I decided to come to the USA (Westchester, NY) as an ‘Au Pair’ and took care of a 9 months adorable baby girl for over a year. Time flies! Today, I have over 20 years of experience with children aged 0-5 years and over.
I hold a global MBA with a background in International Business from Rider University, Lawrenceville-New Jersey, and CEFAM from University, Lyon-France. I worked for two and a half years for a French web magazine in Manhattan, NY as an Event Manager and Ad Account Executive where I had the privilege to organize the three first Bilingual Education Fairs of New York City. I worked with over 90 bilingual schools representing 12 different languages. Petits Poussins Too was one of them. I joined the PPTOO team 3 months after its opening and it has now been 7 years that I am part of this wonderful family! I am very proud and excited to be working and managing such a lovely team and community. It is a real pleasure to show up every day and engage with our “Petits Poussins”! As you all know, the best part of my days is, of course, my daily dose of hugs, kisses, and laughter from my babies and preschoolers.